Do you long for moments of deep connection to others?
...a way to collectively honor, heal, or celebrate in a safe space where you can feel truly supported?
Today’s fast paced lifestyle has disconnected us from the importance of the sacred and allowing the inner world to align with the outer world.
We move through a constant succession of events without integrating and posing clear intentions around our experiences.
A custom designed birthday celebration.
yoga • potluck • somatic movement and expressive arts • transformational ritual.
Take a collective pause, pose deep intentions in a sacred space that feels safe and held.
Create authentic heartfelt connections
Multiply the energetic potency for healing and transformation.
Do something original, powerful and unforgettable together
Carly was masterful in guiding us
…along our own journeys of self discovery and creating a container for a supportive and judgement free community.
Nik B.
This is a wonderful offering
…to help you understand what it means for you to be seen, Face your fears, embrace the work, and discover something beautiful and amazing about yourself.
Jennifer D.
Group Somatic Ritual
A custom designed Group ritual is perfect for:
Honoring transitions by aligning the inner world with the exterior.
Celebrating a life event
Manifestation and magnetically attracting what you desire into your life.
Healing as a group and as individuals held within the group
What kind of ritual would you like designed?
CelebratE a life event
New home/ job
New relationships
Baby showers
Bachelorette party
Honor A transition
Rites of passage (adolescence to adulthood, boy to man, etc.)
Womanhood to motherhood
Life change (jobs, moving, etc.)
Men/ Women healing
Earth healing
Trauma healing
Racial healing
Covid trauma
Global healing
Manifest and attract
Women’s empowerment
Manifestation rituals
Solstice and moon celebrations
Intention setting
Invitation to abundance, home, relationship, etc.
Testimonial Birthday Event and Ritual
Testimonial Birthday Event and Ritual .
Why is a ritual so powerful?
A ritual has multiple uses, but the underlying meaning of a ritual is an architected human experience that carries meaning and value. A ritual uses symbols that are dense with meaning that are bigger on the inside than on the outside.
A ritual is designed to change an energetic pattern and make something new true.
Each ritual is adapted for your people, their capacities, mindset and the situation. All comfort levels are taken into consideration and honored.
In multiple cultures ritual was created to mark certain events, from the passing of a loved one, celebrations, harvests and rites of passage. In the shamanic tradition, rituals were held tribally for healing each other, the earth and connecting to the higher realms.
I incorporate somatics into the rituals I design: Somatic means the connection between the mind and the body.
By creating a kinesthetic experience and living it through the body's sensations, emotions, images and memories, a metaphorical experience becomes a transformative process that shifts your neural pathways and create new ones.
Ritual design process
Receive a free consultation
…to discuss your desires and needs. I will then design a custom ritual proposal. The quote will take into account consultation calls, location assessment, furnishing of material, organization and gestation of the ritual event.
You will receive a first FREE consultation call and a ritual design proposal and a quote, free of obligation.
Hi, I’m Carly
Ritual is a fundamental part of my life. I personally have used rituals for manifesting a partner into my life, a new home (in 3 days!),and financial abundance.
I have created rituals for my birthday (or Re-birthday) and women’s empowerment parties.
I have also used healing rituals to help me through a heavy break-up, abortion, clearing energetic spaces, moving to a new country, and death of loved ones.
I have worked with rituals to heal intergenerational wounds from the feminine lineage along with multiple rituals for earth and global healing.
Not only is ritual absolutely beautiful and emotionally rich, it is a life transforming event that is unforgettable.
In this day and age, ritual seems to be the most effective and needed tool to heal trauma and to transform energetic patterns whether it has a celebratory, manifesting or healing intention.
I have had the honor of holding space for multiple rituals, allowing the participants to fully step into their vulnerability and their true power.
“You weaved and blended our different worlds and destinies, that allowed the dance to reveal itself. You created the structure and all that was left was to to fill it with the spontaneity, the smiles and the tears… and it was beautiful.
“What I love about you is your creativity. You have a capacity to create, imagine, invent, and weave connections between people. In the end, I would say, you use your creativity to transform the world. ”
YOu are the kind of person who
…Wants to host an unforgettable event that is authentic, emotional, powerful and beautiful.
…Has a spiritual leaning. You believe in the power of healing, manifestation and energy.
…Cares about the members of your group and want them to be able to support each other collectively while holding space for vulnerability.
together we can.
Create something meaningful that you will remember forever.
Life is precious and sacred, let’s honor it in the way it should be honored and hats off to you, for being the caring being who leads the way.
Common questions:
I love the idea, but I am not sure what theme would be best. Don’t worry, let’s brainstorm together and we’ll see if we find an idea that feels powerful and exciting.
What if I try a discovery call and receive a proposal, do I have to pay something if it doesn’t work for me? No obligation necessary, the only thing I request is that you do not use the ideas to create your own event without permission.
What if my group has never done a ritual or isn’t spiritual? Based on the group and their background, we can design a ritual that doesn’t feel too “woo woo” or that gently explains in a theoretical way how it works without forcing any spiritual beliefs or asking them to do anything that doesn’t feel comfortable
Do I need to provide materials? Depending on what ritual we design, we can discuss what material you can provide and what I and/or the group members can bring
How do you use somatics and movement in the ritual? Here’ are some examples: if we are unwinding an old pattern, we may walk in a spiral to the point of depart. We may use somatic movement to embody an old belief system through a posture or a gesture. We may run around the circle to allow the system to fire up an emotion and move with an extreme slowness to slow down the mind and find stillness.
Where would the location be? I like to do ritual in nature, but it can also be done in an indoor setting. I know of some quiet places in nature in Bolinas and Marin. I also have a large gathering space in Bolinas for up to 25 people with fireplace, decks, kitchen and common space for events. We can also see where your people are located and plan from there.
Do you lead the ritual? Yes, I hold space for the ritual without monopolizing the attention. I facilitate the process and connect to the “higher sources” and spirit realm to protect the space, all those involved and the sacred container of the ritual and to magnify the potency. I request the spirits of the land for permission and support for the ritual along with clarifying the intentions for the benefit of all beings.
Do you have any questions for me or want to know more?
Let’s talk.
Schedule a free discovery call with me. No obligation or pressure. I want to hear your story and we can discuss ideas.