About 6 years ago, I had a life question I was confused about, a clairvoyant friend of mine said “Well, why don’t you ask your guides?”

I responded with confusion, “What do you mean, my guides!?”

She couldn’t believe I didn’t have a guide. She told me to meditate and ask if I had one. 

I did, and when I asked if I had a guide, I received an immense sensation of bliss and love roll over my body like a wave and I knew that I was not alone. 

Later on, I read Conversations with God by Neal Daniel Walsh and I thought, well if he can talk to “God” why can’t I? 

So, I started asking questions to these “guides” at the end of my meditations and wrote down the words that began to flow through my mind. When I read them, I couldn’t believe they came from me, they were clearly some sort of higher intelligence with a remarkable way of describing things and clarifying situations that I had found extremely confusing. 

When I began to offer massages, I had never received any training. I went into a state of meditation and my hands just knew where to go.

It was like they could see from a larger perspective what my narrow little brain got stuck on. People would constantly tell me I gave them the best massage they ever received, constant 5 star reviews, and all I was doing was just letting something flow through me. 

After a couple years of massaging, I started getting emotions that arose within me as I massaged certain areas of people’s bodies. I then would get a word or two that popped up in my brain and I would hesitantly share with my client what came through. It was 95% of the time spot on. From identifying (with no previous knowledge) sexual abuse, a particular challenge with a family member, self confidence, loss of a loved one, etc.. I began to trust more and more, and as that happened more information came through. 

I was trained to access the Akashic Records a year ago, I had my own practice of asking questions about my own life during meditation but wanted to learn how to channel guidance for others without having to touch the body. 

I trained with Sarah Bisceglie who uses the Earth Bound Method of the Akashic Records, meaning the process for connecting to this particular vibrational realm is through the body and the earth, meaning we work with the grounding element and the celestial realm at the same time. 

Since learning how to access the Akashic Records, I can connect and support people from a distance, I noticed that being on the phone feels like one of the most powerful ways as we are connecting specifically to the energetic realm and undistracted by the physical realm and the cognitive brain that can be distracted by the sensorial input.

The wisdom shared pertains to your higher self’s knowing, without being attached to any religion or belief system. You can call the “guides” whatever you like, but I like to think that I am sourcing the wisdom of a collective consciousness via the calling of your soul and like magic, it works.