Carly Ko…
is a professional and internationally presented performer in the realm of physical theater, corporeal mime and comedy since 1998. She has studied yoga, bodywork, channeling, and somatic therapy since 2010.
Thanks to her background, Carly has the ability to transmit transformational wisdom and tools for embodied self-realization with the art of humor, creativity and embodied communication skills.
She shares these experiential practices and spoken wisdom to help people truly connect to their bodies as truth tellers and as a means of deepening their interconnection to all life.
Carly believes we must raise our own consciousness so that all life may thrive.
“Carly was masterful in guiding us along our own journeys of self discovery and creating a container for a supportive and judgement free community. Nik Bertulis”
Some current topics Carly speaks about:
Embodying the FEAR of being Seen
The Body is the Truth Teller
Coping with Stress and Anxiety
Somatic Ecology and Cultivating the Inner/Outer Ecosystem
Some current events topics :
Coping with COVID confinement through embodiment.
Social Isolation and Interconnection
Unifying with Diversity and healing the pain of separation in the age of BLM and ME TOO.
Is there a theme you would like me to share a talk/experience about?
“Carly’s practice of being seen, helped me realize the complex layers of what it means to be seen for myself. She allowed me to discover my own truth within the question of being seen, and my own path towards healing. Without dogmatic intervention. Only guidance in how to listen to one’s body and internal landscape to find the answers. Thank you for your generous spirit Carly!
Megan McCulloch”
Carly has lead hundreds of international live workshops and performances and hosted public events.
Somatic Wisdom Ko-Creation YouTube Channel
Little spurts of random thoughts, visions and downloaded wisdom, through comedy, emotion, and creativity.