Somatic movement and expressive arts therapy individual session


Life happens now.

do you really have one more day to lose?

If you’re not living the passion inside you, then you’re just wasting your time.

Perhaps it’s COVID confinement, or perhaps it’s just an inner confinement or conflict that has been there for too long.

Do you feel stressed or anxious due to uncertainty, lack of social contact, possible unemployment, or the risk of working at home for who knows how long!? 

Are you having a hard time organizing job, kids, family and self-care? 

Or perhaps it has nothing to do with COVID and you are struggling with a situation in life that you just can’t get clear on. There is no time like the present to connect to the wisdom of your body and allow it to help you move out of the challenges and into a brighter future. Not only for yourself, but for everyone who is in contact with you.


It’s time to move forward.

Through embodied somatic movement therapy, we can shift those unhealthy thought patterns into a healthier mindset that will help you deal with self confinement and come out on top.

Perhaps this is a chance for you to reassess your life, perhaps there is a new career, a habit shift needed, a location move, or even a break-up that seems to be surfacing in your subconscious?


Your body is a truth teller.

Perhaps you’re feeling tensions in your shoulders, back or other areas.

Did you know that they are not just results of staring at screens all day? They also contain the inner tensions that may be bobbing around in your brain and your body that you may be unaware of.


Through the somatic creative process

by changing your physiology you can rewrite the destructive thought processes that keep you stuck.

You need to be able to get your thoughts out there and speak to someone who can truly listen and understand you and help you find a better state of being through embodying and connecting to your own inner truth.

Not only will you feel better mentally, you access the wisdom of your own body and begin to truly understand how the mind and body are integrally connected. 

Somatic ONLINE therapy sessions available by sliding scale. Pay after the session via paypal or venmo.

30 mins. session 50$- 65$

60 mins. session 75$- 108$

Not sure if this is a good fit? Schedule a free 15 min. call or send me an email !