A stop sign when you least expect it

Stop don’t listen. Everyone turn around and ignore the signs in the air.

Stop and listen says the sage when the world is running like a mad man

Escaped from the prisons of its own self destruction

The mad man knows he cannot go back into the cage of his mind

Or else he will die in the torture of his own grief

If the world can become the outlet for the action

One can forever keep running and never look back

If we can set our eyes on a goal

The world does not have to be looked at in your face

Under your feet

Under your nose

Stop said the drunk man as he crumbles to the ground

Don’t you see it’s all useless anyway

What are your running towards

If you are just running away from it all

Better to slip into the catacombs with us

Where there is a quiet space

Of peaceful forgetfulness

Where all the world stops telling you what to do

What not to do

Who you should be

How you should live

Pay your taxes respect the rules

Or else

Or else what

You’ll throw me into the physical jail to deal with the helplessness

Of being human

In a world where everything is made

To help us forget that we are free animals

Must we continue the run

If we did stop would we collapse into the melding history of the world

Would it even matter

Honestly does it even matter

Continue pulling out the epic books “the one thing”

Or “find your purpose”

Today is holocaust remembrance day

As the same people that were maimed, tortured and killed

Do the same to their neighbors today


What if we did stop?

What would come up?

The history of hatred

The history of unmet desire

The history of a world that is so deeply hurt and wounded

That all we can do is just try to keep going

Elect a new president and hope for the best

As I watch “flaming hot” last night that awoke my heart to the plight of Mexicans in our country

As I sit in my protected room watching the ocean

On a land that was not ours to take

Go to Costco fat Hawaiians

The only way to survive in your world that was infested by us

But not for anyones actual benefit

Raise your hand if you are truly happy

Anyone out there?

Tell me where do you come from, what are you here for

And who’s feet are you stepping on to see above the misery


Just kidding.

Energy is constantly expanding

The machine is constantly running

Business must grow

Populations are expanding

The glaciers are melting

Birds are migrating

The ocean is raging

And we are moving

Constantly constantly

The trench is dug and the water flows there

Stopping means reflecting on where the next trench wants to be built

Or the little feral humans like myself

Dig sideways trenches and suck the water out the other way

Drop by drop

Stop. Breathe.


Where did we fuck it up?

When god created the earth and eve ate of the apple?

Doomed from there?

Philosophy helps masturbate the perturbed

The ones who rather than succumb prefer to dream

I for one, feel my heart as heavy as a bucket of rain on a petal

The collective pain

We’re drowning as we struggle upwards towards the surface

I see the view of the ocean from my window

Yet I feel at peace under it’s weight

May it crush us all one day when the final glacier disappears

And the final whale says I told you so

And the dead kids of the holocaust shake their heads

And the Palestinians… and the Mexicans… and the microbes in the soil

Pass their ghosts through the wind

Saying - Why? Why ? Why?


Fight our nature. The apple in our hearts

That just couldn’t resist the desire for more

The innate seed of in satisfaction that helped us destroy it all

That crooked little vine, growing through our insides

Making us writhe with discomfort

There’s something wrong and it’s deeply embedded


Let’s turn on the headlights of hope

For a long journey towards a dark night of the soul

Who’s along for the ride?

Warning there’s a stop sign when you least expect it